We design and permit new septic systems and septic system repairs for residential and commercial sites. We design and permit conventional septic systems, low pressure septic systems (LPP), aerobic treatment (ATU) drip irrigation septic systems and advanced treatment septic systems. We have designed and permitted over 2,000 aerobic treatment/drip irrigation systems including advanced treatment systems as well as thousands upon thousands of conventional septic systems; both drainfield repairs and new drainfields.
We design and permit new septic systems, septic system repairs and drainfield repairs for residential and commercial sites. We design conventional septic systems, low pressure septic systems, aerobic treatment/drip irrigation septic systems and nutrient reduction septic systems. Nutrient reduction septic systems are designed specifically for environmentally sensitive areas or to achieve reduced setbacks and/or drainfield reductions. Treatment products that we utilize in our designs include, FAST®, AquaKlear and FujiClean Aerobic Systems. These products span a wide application and price range for small to large residential projects as well as small to relatively large commercial sites.
We know that each project site has different needs; some with various difficulties and constraints to overcome. It is therefore necessary for us to be involved in the site and soils assessment in order to understand what alternatives may need to be considered. We are active throughout the project up through system installation. We can solve problems for those sites with limited space available for the septic system install.
Aerobic treatment drip irrigation systems are often utilized in permitting when space constraints exist or when a mounded septic system is required. Aerobic treatment/drip irrigation systems require significantly less space than a conventional septic tank drainfield system; especially in a mounded scenario. Reduced setbacks to property lines and foundations as well as reductions in the required drainfield square-footage are applied. Reduced setbacks to surface water can also be obtained.
We also design nutrient reduction septic systems and performance base treatment systems (PBTS). These systems are required:
- To achieve a specific nitrogen reduction in environmentally sensitive areas.
2. On those sites where severe space constraints exist.
3. In order to obtain reduced setbacks to ditches, swales, retention ponds or surface water.
4. In order to achieve up to a 40 percent reduction in the required drainfield square-footage. 5. If a hardship exists where a conventional septic system cannot be permitted through FDOH.