Remediate a conventional septic system with the RetroFAST system to deliver high levels of treatment that renovates a biologically failed drainfield without the use of chemicals or additives.
Slow plumbing, plumbing back-ups or surfacing wastewater are usually the symptoms that your drainfield is in failure. As conventional septic systems age, the biomat in the drainfield becomes too thick to allow wastewater to percolate through the soil. This is what causes the symptoms.
Extending the life of your drainfield or renovating a failed system will save you money, time and major disruption to your yard and landscaping. With a quick and easy installation, your failing drainfield can be brought back in as little as two weeks. The RetroFAST installs directly into the existing septic tank with no heavy equipment and reduces the organic matter to remediate or rejuvenate your drainfield.
Your money back if your system is not rejuvenated within one year.
Call us today to see if your system is a candidate for the RetroFAST!